Kaizen Strategy (KAI)

Kaizen or Continuous Improvement is the secret behind the success of globally competitive corporations. It is what brought Toyota to be the world’s number 1 automaker. Kaizen is not a thoughtless improvement but a well organized/orchestrated approach initiated from the top rather than from the bottom. Kaizen is also a culture of improvement that assures profitability in the process of keeping customers loyal and satisfied. It involves creating the internal capability to detect and capture problems/ideas, transform the same into opportunities, and putting these into actions that make processes and products better, faster, safer and cheaper.This two-day seminar will make management realize the need to adopt a more dynamic set of commonly held values, beliefs, practices, and systems that nurture continuous improvement. It will discuss the concepts and principles of Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) strategy that will open the minds of the participants to possibilities and break old paradigms that only aim to defend the status quo. The Kaizen strategy provides for meeting or exceeding customers’ quality, cost, and delivery (QCD) requirements through continuous improvement of people and processes while keeping the company profitable. Through examples and workshops, the seminar will demonstrate the power of Kaizen as a strategy for competitive success.

Objectives: By the end of the seminar the participants would have:

  1. Gained a better appreciation of the necessity to match the internal process and people capabilities with customer expectations,
  2. Appreciated process value recognition,
  3. Learned the techniques for process waste elimination,
  4. Learned the techniques for maintenance of improvements,
  5. Learned and appreciated the Kaizen culture.


  • Super-Ordinate Principles
  • Concepts of CPI and TQM
  • Process Flow Mapping
  • Process Wastes
  • Waste Elimination
  • Process Improvement
  • Simulation
  • Standards & Suggestions
  • The Culture of Improvement
  • Where do we go from here?

Who should attend: Executives, General Managers and Managers In-charge of Production/ Operations, Human Resources, Engineering, Maintenance, Materials/Purchasing, Accounting/Finance, etc.

Seminar Fee: P15,904 / 284USD (Inclusive of VAT) (inclusive of digital pdf copy of the course manuals/workshop & certificate)

Note: Reservations are confirmed only when the seminar fees have been paid.

Number of days: 4

Facilitator:Enrico C. Mina/Jose S. Villegas

Note: Reservations are confirmed only when the seminar fees have been paid.

Seminar Dates:

Jul 11-14’23 | Sep 12-15’23 | Nov 14-17’23 | Jan 16-19’24 | Mar 12-15’24

(8:30 AM – 12:00 NN daily -Ph,Tw,Sg Time)


“Note: This seminar is also offered in-house or in-plant. Should you be interested contact us at 0977-3731180 | 0927-9233557 | 0969-1020586 or email us at kaizen.system@yahoo.com; jsv@kaizenmgtsys.com”.